Welcome to the Peg Kusner Design Blog

Design Style: How to Create a Space that Tells Your Story
I hate to break it to you, but those fun little “What’s My Design Style” quizzes really don’t work. Why…

Sincerity. Humor. Compassion.
Ally and Bob love people, animals, conversation and fresh ideas—and they have a discerning eye when it comes to design and perspective.

Grace. Refinement. Calm.
For Leslie and Ralph, we took our time to discover the true essence of their greatest desire: Feeling “at home” in their new, smaller space.

How to Design a Home Office that Inspires Calm, Creativity & Contemplation
In the midst of this pandemic craziness, it’s easy for life to feel hectic and out of control. Longing for a place to sit back, dream and contemplate?